Dallas College eBooks

EBSCOhost eBook Collection

About eBook Collection

eBook Collection (EBSCO) offers a broad range of topics in its collection.

Navigating to the eBook Collection Database

1. Go to the Dallas College Library homepage and scroll down to the red Database box. 

Search tools with an arrow pointing to the Database link

2. Next, click the letter E in the alphabet menu on the database main page. 

Databases page with the letter E underneath All Subjects box is circled and an arrow pointing to it

3. Click on the eBook Collection link to open the home page.

eBook Collection link is highlighted on the E results page

Home Page Overview

Search using the search box or use Advanced search to search with multiple keywords.

eBook Collection home page

How to Access eBooks on EBSCOhost eBook Collection

  • Not every eBook will have a PDF option
  • Recommended for desktop use
  • No login or checkout required to view full text
  • eBook availability may change based on the eBook (ex: unlimited copies versus only one copy for checkout) 
  • Print, Save, or Email (page number dependent on eBook)
  • Make notes (My EBSCO account required)
  • Macs: install PDF Browser plugin 

How to Use PDF Full Text

1. When you find an eBook that you want to read, click the PDF Full Text link

Book title with access options highlighted to PDF Full Text

2. PDF Full Text will allow you to scroll down or up to read the book. There are also arrow buttons on the bottom of the page to move forward or backwards through the text. Other buttons on the bottom of the page are the minus and plus buttons to zoom in or out. Click the arrows sticking outward to all four corners for full screen mode. 

Book cover page with page arrows, zoom in and out, and full screen buttons highlighted

3. On the right side of the screen, use the table of contents to navigate to different chapters. 

Table of Contents side screen

4. On the top of the screen, there is a bar where you can download full eBook, cite, share, print, look at book details, look at the table of contents, and search within the book. If you have a myEBSCO account, you can use the bookmark to save the book for later.

Top right menu with descriptions of the icons like cite, share, print, book details, table of contents, and search within

Book details on availability, chapter download, and copy and paste availability

Video: Accessing PDF Full Text

  • Recommended for mobile devices
  • No login or checkout required to view full text
  • eBook availability may change based on the eBook (ex: unlimited copies versus only one copy for checkout)
  • Print, Save, or Email (page number dependent on eBook)
  • Make notes (My EBSCO account required)

How to Use EPUB Full Text

1. When you find an eBook that you want to read, click the EPUB Full Text link

eBook title with the format EPUB Full Text highlighted

2. EPUB Full Text will allow you to use the arrow buttons on the bottom of the page to move forward or backwards through the text. Other buttons on the bottom of the page are the minus and plus buttons to zoom in or out. Click the arrows sticking outward to all four corners for full screen mode. 

Book cover page with page arrows, zoom in and out, and full screen buttons highlighted

3. On the right side of the screen is the table of contents where you can navigate to specific chapters.

Table of contents

4. On the top of the screen, there is a bar where you can fully download the eBook, cite, share, print, look at book details (like availability, download permissions, chapter download page numbers, and copy and paste availability), the table of contents, and search within.

Top right menu with descriptions of the icons like cite, share, print, book details, table of contents, and search within

Book details like availability, chapter download, and copy and paste availability

Video: Accessing EPUB Full Text

  • Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.12 or higher required
  • My EBSCO account required
  • Number of copies available are dependent on the book
  • Checkout for one or more days depending on eBook (up to 21 days)
  • Print, Save, or Email (page number dependent on eBook)
  • Highlightbookmark, make notes (varies by eBook)

How to Use Full Download

1. Sign in with your My EBSCO username and password and then search for relevant eBooks.

2. When you find an eBook that you want to read, click the title link

eBook chosen with link to click on to view book details screen

3. Click on Full Download next to Access Options.

Book details screen with full download button highlighted

4. There will be a pop-up window with the eBook download details such as how long the book will be borrowed in days, the download format (PDF or EPUB), and acknowledging that you have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed. For chapter download, click on the chapters only tab on the left.

5. Click Download when finished putting in the details.

Full Download Pop-up window with borrow for number of days, download format, and acknowledgement of Adobe Digital Editions installations highlighted

6. If successful, there will be a pop-up window with the title and how long the eBook title will be checked out.

Download eBook successful pop-up window

7. Depending on your browser, the download notification will show the title and the option to open file. You could also go to your files, downloads, and open the eBook file from there.

File name and the word open file are highlighted in the downloads pop-up window

8. If you save the file, the eBook is saved to your computer and can be opened later.

9. When you open the downloaded eBook, it will prompt you to sign in with your Adobe ID and password. You can click the box on the bottom left to authorize without Adobe ID. 

10. Once you've opened the software to the bookshelves, navigate to the left side of the screen and click on borrowed.

Adobe Digital Editions software with the tab Borrowed highlighted

11. Double-click on the title you would like to read and begin reading your eBook!

Screenshot of Adobe Digital Editions screen with explanations of icons like add a bookmark, table of contents, zoom in and out, arrowing for page turning if applicable, and the scroll bar

If you don't have Adobe Digital Editions installed, click on the link to install on either Macintosh or Windows on the full download pop-up window. Follow the prompted steps to download the software.

Video: Accessing Full Download

  • Access options are download eBook and read online 
  • No login or checkout required to view full text if you choose the read online option
  • eBook availability may change based on the eBook (ex: unlimited copies versus only one copy for checkout) 

How to Use EBSCO Mobile App

1. Search for EBSCO in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

EBSCO mobile app in the apple store

2. Download the app and click the green access with your institution button

EBSCO screen with option to log in with institution

3. Search for Dallas College and select Dallas College in Mesquite, Texas

Dallas College institution search results

4. Click Connect your institution 

Connect to institution screen after selecting Dallas College

5. Allow for the app to sign in. If you're on campus, it will automatically sign you in. If you're off-campus, log in with your eConnect credentials

6. On the home page, you can see recently viewed items, recommended items, and discover recent subjects. Also on the bottom navigation menu, you can click the magnifying glass to research, click the bookmark to look at saved items, and manage account using the person icon on the far right. 

EBSCO mobile home page

7. To search for an eBook, go to the magnifying glass on the bottom of the screen. 

Search screen

8. Type in your keywords to search for the eBook

Initial search screen after searching the keyword "libraries"

9. The results page will include many different kinds of resources so navigate to the source type button underneath the search box and select eBooks and click the blue Apply button on the bottom.

Source type screen with eBooks selected with the blue apply button on the bottom of the screen

10. Click on the title to see details about the book, tap the bookmark button to save the book information for latter, and access the full text.

Chosen ebook with book details

11. Click the blue access options button to select either download e-book or read online

eBook access options, either download eBook or read online

12. Read online features are the buttons to move forward or backward in the book and the ability to change the text size with the plus and minus buttons.

Read online option's main screen with the page forward and backward buttons and the text size increase and decrease buttons highlighted

13. More read online features are found by clicking the three dots at the top where you can cite, share the link, look at the book details like publisher permissions, table of contents, and search within the book for specific keywords.

Location of book's cite, share link, details, table of contents, and search within

Video: Accessing EBSCO Mobile App

This video does not include audio

Create a My EBSCO Account

1. Navigate to the top right of the eBook Collection screen and click MyEBSCO. Click Create an account underneath information about account benefits

MyEBSCO login page with the words Create an account are highlighted

2. Fill out the required account registration information such as first name, email address, and password. 

My EBSCO account registration page

3. In case there's an error message about not being connected to your institution, open eBook Collection from the Dallas College website and log in again.