Dallas College eBooks

Gale eBooks

About Gale eBooks

Gale eBooks, otherwise known as Gale Virtual Reference Library, offers materials on a variety of topics to browse and search.

Navigating to Gale eBooks

1. Go to the Dallas College Library homepage and scroll down to select the red Database box

Search tools header with an arrow to the word database

2. Underneath the All Subjects drop down, click on the G to narrow the databases to the databases that start with an G. 

Arrow pointing to the G in the Database hyperlinked alphabet

3. Click on the Gale eBook link.

Gale eBook link highlighted in the Dallas College G databases

4. On the homepage, users can browse and search titles 

Gale eBooks home page

How to Search and Access eBooks in Gale eBooks

1. The home page includes options to search by basic search box, by subject, by publication, and by searching in the entire document (book). You can also use advanced search if you're searching with multiple keywords and scroll down the home page to view different collections. 

Basic search box options

Gale eBook search options highlighted: Basic Search, Advanced Search, and View Collections

2. Type in your keyword(s) in the search box. In the search results menu, you can see the number of results on the top left and filter on the top left especially by publication date, document type, and subjects. 

Search results with results number, publication date, document type, subjects, and publication languages highlighted


3. Our example here is a topic overview where you can:

  • Change the font size or listen to the text through the reading adjustment options
  • Save to Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, send to email, download, or print
  • Access the entire eBook through the eBook link
  • Navigate to the table of contents, book view, cite, send resource to, download, and print

Item display with reading adjustment options, saving resource options, eBook Link, and item navigation bar are highlighted

Video: Accessing Gale eBooks

eBook Home Page

This section includes helpful information for creating a citation such as  

  • Title
  • Authur
  • Imprint (specific brand within a publishing company)
  • Publication year

Other aspects of note are the Gale Subject Headings which can be helpful for further research depending on your topic

About This Publication screen with title, author(s), imprint, publication year, and gale subject headings highlighted

This section is helpful to find particular chapters if you have a broad topic in mind. Any of the hyperlinks will take you to a text view of the chapter that you're interested in.

Table of Contents screenshot

This section will be very useful during your search because you can see where certain words can be found in the book either through entering the term in the search box or browsing by specific section of the index.

Book index with the phrases "enter a term or part of a term" and "Select any letter below to go to that section of the index" as options to search for keywords

This section keeps all the illustrations including tables, graphs, and figures that are part of the book in one place. This can be helpful if you're looking for a specific image or find an illustration interesting while browsing.

By clicking on the image, you will be redirected to the book page that the image is related to for more information.

Screenshot of List of Illustrations view