Dallas College eBooks

Bloomsbury eBook Collections

About Bloomsbury eBook Collections

Bloomsbury eBook Collections has eBooks on countries, cultures, and history with a particular focus on African American history.

Navigating to Bloomsbury eBook Collections

1. Go to the Dallas College Library homepage and scroll down to select the red Database box

Search tools with an arrow pointing to the word databases

2. Click on the B in the alphabet filter on the top.

Database filter by alphabet with the arrow pointing to the B for Bloomsbury

3. Click on Bloomsbury eBook Collections link

Highlight of Bloomsbury eBook Collections link

4. On the homepage, users can search using the basic or advanced search box or browse by subjects, collections, and open access titles.

ABC-CLIO home page with home, subjects, collections, open access, basic search box, and advanced search box highlighted.

How to Search on Bloomsbury eBook Collections

1. Click on the search box at the top of the screen and type in your search term.

Search term, African American History in the basic search box with an arrow pointing to the search term

2. Once you have clicked the magnifying glass, you'll see your results. Refining results are on the left where you can indicate access type, date range of publication, content type, subject, and collections.

Screenshot of search screen with refine results, access options, date range, content type, subject, collections, and results are highlighted

3. Once you find a book that relates to your search terms, click on the title. Either this link will go open directly to the reference or to a book description of the book title, author, date of publication, book summary/abstract, table of contents, an option to print, share, and cite, subjects, and related content.

If the link opens directly to the reference, the eBook will be opened to a page that includes the word that was searched. In the case that the link opens to a PDF that isn't very descriptive, look to the link path to go to the original book, for instance, Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era

Screenshot of a one page book PDF with a box around the words Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era since it's the original source

Book description

Screenshot of book description with subjects, related content, book title, author, date of publication, book summary/abstract, and table of contents highlighted

Video: Searching and Accessing Bloomsbury eBook Collections

How to Access eBooks on Bloomsbury eBook Collections

Depending on the eBook, you can

  • Search within the book for a keyword
  • Access the table of contents
  • Access related content
  • Toggle in or out the side screen with subject headings
  • Search within the chapter
  • Navigate to different pages through the arrows
  • Zoom in
  • Zoom out
  • Change page view
  • Highlight text or click and drag
  • One page or two page view
  • Presenter mode

eBook screen with specific words highlighted in red and explained in black text.


On the top right, you can save (with a Bloomsbury account), download, print, share, and generate a citation.

eBook screenshot with save, download, print, share, and cite highlighted



Creating a Personal Account

Bloomsbury requires users to create a personal account to save books, chapters, images or other items to view later.

1. Click the purple link under sign in to your personal account 

Red box around sign in to your personal account

2. At the bottom of the pop-up window, you'll see "Don't have a personal account yet?" Sign up now. Click the sign up now link. 

Don't have a personal account yet? Sign up now highlighted

3. Fill in your name, Dallas College email address and create a password. Click the check marks for terms and conditions and privacy and cookies policy. Once completed, click register.

Screenshot of sign up for a personal account screen

4. You'll see a confirmation screen directing you to check your email to verify your address.

Registration confirmation

5. Log on to the email you registered with, open the email, and click the "click here to verify your account"

Confirmation email screenshot

6. Once your account is verified, you can save books, chapters, images or other items to view later.

Screenshot of profile screen to view saved books and searches