Things to Remember About Zines
Sometimes it can be difficult to locate the zinester, or author/creator of the zine. You can try searching for the zine online to see if you can find the creator's information, but sometimes this is done on purpose. Some zinesters choose to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym to protect their identity. Given the often sensitive content zines might have, it is best practice to follow what the zine contains itself. If the zine does not have a name or uses a pseudonym, even if you know their real name, follow suit with what is on the zine itself.
Information to Look For
In-text citation: An in-text citation names the author of the source, and gives the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.
In a list of Works Cited: Author last name, first name. “Title of Zine.” [Zine] Volume or issue number. City of publication. Year published.
In-text citation: An in-text citation gives the author of the source, the date of publication, and a page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.
In a list of Works Cited: Author last name, first initial. (Year of Publication). Title of Zine [Zine] Volume or issue number.
Chicago Style
In-text note for the first time you reference a zine: Author first name and last name, Title of Zine, Issue/Volume Number(City of publication, year published), page(s) you are referencing.
In a list of Works Cited: Author last name, first name. Title of Zine. Zine. Volume or issue number. City of publication: Year published.
Taken from Bernard College's Cite This Zine found here.
Note: When in doubt, treat the zine as you would a pamphlet or booklet, which usually follows suit with citing a book.
What Are Citation Formats?
Citation formats are rules and guidelines that make writing styles uniform within a specific work or publication. They cover the following:
There are many citation formats. Some of the more commonly used ones are MLA format, APA format and Chicago format.
Why Cite Sources?
There are several reasons why you would want to cite your sources:
What Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is giving the impression that you wrote or thought something that you borrowed from someone else.
How Can You Avoid Plagiarism? Cite your sources using a citation format.
What Must Be Cited?
Material is probably common knowledge if:
From: The Online Writing Lab. Purdue University
Frequently Used Formats
How do you know which format to use? Your instructor will let you know the required format for your class and assignments.
Citation management tools can help you create citations in various formats. Click on the link below for more information about the citation management tool available through the library.