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Grammar Websites
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Information on grammar rules as well as real-world examples and quizzes.
Cambridge Dictionary
A free online dictionary. Managed by Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge Thesaurus
A free online thesaurus. Managed by Cambridge University Press.
English Grammar
Grammar guides and lessons.
A free digital writing assistance tool.
Grammar Monster
Grammar lessons and exercises.
Writing Websites
Academic Writing
A collection of online resources on academic writing, engaged reading, and more. Managed by Amherst College.
Aztekera Passive Voice Checker
Online tool to eliminate passive voice phrases in your writing.
CSU Writing Guides
Guides on composing processes, writing arguments, making speeches, and more. Managed by Colorado State University.
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Resources on writing, research, grammar and mechanics, style guides, and more from Purdue University
Writing Tools & Tips
Handouts on useful writing tips. Managed by the University of North Carolina.
Current Issues Research Websites
Non-biased information source presents sourced pros and cons of debatable issues, as well as a host of reference information relevant to those issues.
Provides information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum to help people better understand the world and each other.
Professional Association Websites
Modern Language Association (MLA)
The principal professional association for US scholars of language and literature.
Articles (Databases)
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