Online Student Workshops

With the Explore the Learning Commons series, current Dallas College students can register for an unlimited number of webinars focused on reliable library resources, formal citation formats, and successful research skills. Each online session on Library topics is presented in real time by experienced, professional librarians covering things like library databases, the library catalog, evaluating sources, and MLA or APA citation. Dallas College tutors present sessions on calculator skills, study skills, and schedule management. With the skills and tools highlighted through Explore the Learning Commons webinars, you will be prepared for success with any college research assignment! 
Click on a webinar in the calendars below to sign up using your name, Dallas College student email address, and student ID number. 

Explore the Learning Commons - Library


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Research Skill Videos

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The library research tutorials page includes short videos on research skills like finding articles in the library catalog and databases, specific databases like Academic OneFile, and MLA and APA citation formats.

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